
Valley of Lucania , Italy Vella Classica 2024 "Sogno D’Or… Ascea Marina ( SA) House Debut July 2, 2024

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RAI ITALIA "Cristianità ” Program by Suor Myriam Castelli Creator of the Program Suor Myriam Castelli June 30, 2024

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Association : Musical Mente Duomo Di Bergamo, Italy Maestro: Dario Natali Choir: MontRouge Singers House Debut June 28, 2024

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Maestro - Fabio Serani Tenor - Gianmarco Latini Soprano - Haydée Dabusti House Debut June 25, 2024

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Maestro : Stefano Ragni Soprano :Haydée Dabusti House Debut June 17, 2024

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Historical parade Perugia 1416 House Debut June 16, 2024

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Soprano Haydée Dabusti in Concert. at “School of the North“. Bogotá, Colombia .

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Theater Santander. Bucaramanga , Colombia . April 9, 2024

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Theater "La Cúpula Del Arte" Lima ,Perú April 5 and 6, 2024

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She was given it by the President of "Action de Paz ” Dr. Alejandro D’Alessandro.

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The theater program includes famous arias from Verdi's Il Trovatore and La Forza del Destino, Puccini's Madama Butterfly and Suor Angelica, Ponchielli's La Gioconda and Bizet's Carmen. A parterre of Italian composers, with the French outsider Bizet, whose choice makes sense in an event that celebrates women, since Carmen presents two female protagonists who, each with their own ideals and values, search for a place in the world and They claim the right to self-determination. 27/3/24

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Haydée Dabusti I have been singing Shubert's Ave Maria at Catedral Metropolitana De Buenos Aires on the Day of the Unborn Child.

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The soprano Haydée Dabusti sings Ave Maria by the author Alejandro Roemmers. The accompaniment is highlighted by the Maestro, Orchestra Director and Composer, Nazareno Andorno - 10/2/24

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Concert by Soprano Haydee Dabusti and Maestro Nazareno Andorno. At MACA Atchugarri’s Museum in Punta del Este Uruguay. 19/1/24

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Soprano Haydée Dabusti -Mezzosoprano Mairin Rodrigues - Maestra Rozita Zozulia

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Soprano Haydée Dabusti has been called up in the Year of the Century of the Great María Callas to give a Concert at the CorpArtes Foundation Theatre (Santiago de Chile) and the Philodramatic Orchestra conducted by Alexander Shiticov, on November 9th, 2023

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19/10/23 Soprano Haydée Dabusti Teacher: Maria Ines Natalucci

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I’am honoured and grateful to receive from the best Artist in Bahrain , Maestro artwork.bhr, this portrait in which he painted my face. It will be located in a privileged place in my home.

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It Will be conducted By Suor Myriam Castelli ; among the guests Haydée Dabusti - The Lyrical Artist ,the italian-argentine soprano from Buenos Aires will give us her testimony of love to Crist by means of the ópera. A woman who has done from Art and stage a place to communicate Faith, praise to God and Peace.

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The soprano Haydee Dabusti made her debut in Assisi , Italy on the day of the first Universal Embrace for the Fraternity in La Porciúncula of the Sanctuary of the Church of Santa María de los Ángeles.

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Que el mundo del canto lírico, la música clásica y el ballet clásico conservan aún un aire de sofisticación, es indudable. Más, también es verdad que está poblado de artistas reconocidos internacionalmente por su particular talento y que son de una hermosa humildad. Así es ella, la portentosa soprano Haydée Dabusti, a quien no le gusta mencionar sus premios, ni hablar de distinciones. Sí de su arte y del arte de la vida. Una vida de convicciones y confianza.

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Para cerrar el #MesDeLaMujer les presentamos a Haydée Dabusti.

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Beautiful concert at the Yacht Club Argentino 3/11/22 Soprano Haydée Dabusti Tenor Martin Savi At the piano maestro Cesar Tello

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The soprano Haydée Dabusti in CARAS Magazine By  Hector Maugeri

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Bellini's Norma at the Teatro Avenida 10/29/22. One function only.

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Interview wind Haydée Dabusti - Bellini’s Norma 2022 - By : Rita Fiorino

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Interview with Haydée Dabusti Bellini’s Norma 2022 By: Mario Massaccesi

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Vincenzo Bellini's great opera returns to the Avenida theater on October 29. Tickets on sale at the theater or through

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Haydée Dabusti sang a fantastic Concerto accompanied by brave colleagues. The tenor Fabio Serani , the baritone Cristian Alderete and Maestro at the piano Roberto Lorenzetti . attended the concert the soprano Anna De Stefanis.

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A celebratory moment truly full of great emotions that only music has been able to shape! At the toll of each bell, the names of the heroes whose memory we recalled were written in the Heaven of the Blessed!

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Arte en Línea - Interview with Haydée Dabusti Bellini’s Norma 2022 By: Pablo Duarte - Nestor Echevarria

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Haydée Dabusti sang for the benefit of victims of Ukraine in Miami, Florida. US May 29

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A great success at the “School of The North “. Bogotá , Colombia . Maestra at the piano: Edelsa Santana Perez .

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A great success in the first concert at the Cafam's Theater with excellent colleagues . Maestro : Fabio Montani at the piano

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Soprano Haydée Dabusti in Punta del Este Uruguay.

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Haydée Dabusti was chosen to represent La Republuca Argentina at Expo2020Dubai in the Argentina Pavilion singing the Emirates National Anthem in Arabic language and the Argentinian National Anthem.

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Haydée Dabusti with HE Agustin Molina Arambarri Argentine Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates and Secretary General of Dubai Sports Council HE Saeed Hareb. Expo2020Dubai

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Soprano Haydée Dabusti Internacional Lyrical Singer was received by HE Ambassador from the Arab Emirates Saeed Abdulla ALQEMZI - “I feel very honoured!”

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Maestro Diego Cabral , this portrait that you have made as a great artist is a great honor for me. I will prepare a suitable frame and put it on a beautiful wall. It is also an honor for me to be on your profile with all your works of art.

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By: Doctor Alberto Leal - Operaintheworld - Video made by Jose Luis Pogacnik

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Argentine Embassy in Abu Dhabi - Dubai

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Interview zoom in "Pastillas en La Madrugada" to Soprano Haydée Dabusti by: Sara Medul

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Interview Soprano Haydée Dabusti in the “Eco Siciliano” Magazine on her 21st uninterrupted years in the lyric.

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I’m honoured and grateful to receive from the best Artist in Dubai, Master Shafi Cameo these gold and color portraits in which he painted my face. They will be located in a privileged place in my home.

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Interview Zoom with the Soprano Haydee Dabusti. Program “El Club de La Ópera “ By: Alan Klein

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